Dinfio Release Notes

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Dinfio 3.2.0 ⋅ Release date: 2024-08-22

  1. Dinfio is getting big update again! Dinfio now comes with new Garbage Collector—it makes your programmes free from memory leaks. We highly recommend you to update your Dinfio to this latest version 3.2.0.
  2. Added keyword const to declare a constant
    const a = 10
    writeln(a)   ' Output: 10
    a = 20       ' Invalid assignment to constant 'a'

  3. Added class image and image_data to module gui to store bitmap to the memory
  4. Added function draw_image() and draw_image_data() to class gui_panel in module gui
  5. Fixed issue on parsing an array expression
    ' Issue on version <= 3.1.06
    a = [2, 3, 4]
    writeln(a[0] == 2)   ' Throws error "Undefined function =2)()", which is unexpected behaviour

Dinfio 3.1.06 ⋅ Release date: 2022-01-14

  1. Dinfio is now open source! Please check out the repository here: https://github.com/dinfio/dinfio
  2. Added default value in function parameters
        something(20)       ' x = 20, y = 10 (use default value)
        something(20, 40)   ' x = 20, y = 40
    function something(x, y = 10)
        writeln("x: " & x)
        writeln("y: " & y)

  3. Operators == and != now support for array and object operands
    a = {name: "Sarah", age: 20}
    b = {name: "Sarah", age: 20}
    c = a
    ' Dinfio 3.1.05 or earlier
    x = equal(a, b)      ' false
    y = equal(a, c)      ' true
    z = !is_nothing(a)   ' true
    ' Dinfio 3.1.06
    x = a == b           ' false
    y = a == c           ' true
    z = a != nothing     ' true

  4. Removed insensitive case syntax for a consistent code
  5. Added module rl to provide advanced readline functions
  6. Added bitwise functions bnot(), band(), bor(), bxor(), bls(), and brs()to module core
  7. Added function eof() to module standardio
  8. Added functions attribute_exists(), attribute_get(), and attribute_set() to module core
  9. Added function fileput() to module fileio
  10. Added function reopen() to class file in module fileio
  11. Added parameter is_password to class constructor gui_textbox::construct() in module gui
  12. Fixed crash issue on non-editable gui_combobox when it is added to gui_stack or gui_grid

Dinfio 3.1.05 ⋅ Release date: 2021-07-08

  1. Added module multiprocess to enable process-based parallelism in Dinfio
    ' This is an example how to make 100 HTTP requests in parallel
    import multiprocess
        for i, 1, 100
            process("worker", [i], void(), void(), void())
    ' worker.fio
    import multiprocess
    import url, json
        response = url.get("https://httpbin.org/uuid")
        if response.code == 200
            data = json.decode(response.body)
            writeln("Done #" & process_arguments[0] & ": " & data.uuid)
            writeln("Done #" & process_arguments[0] & ": Error " & response.code)

  2. Added class gui_stack and gui_grid to module gui
    ' GUI Stack example
    import gui
        window = gui_window("GUI Stack", 480, 300)
        stack = gui_stack(vertical, window)
        panel = gui_panel(window)
        hstack = gui_stack(horizontal, panel)
        text1 = gui_textarea("Hello World!", panel)
        text2 = gui_textarea("Hello Dinfio!", panel)
        text3 = gui_textarea("Hello Programming Language!", window)
        hstack.add(text1, true, true, padding.left + padding.top + padding.bottom, 10)
        hstack.add(text2, true, false, padding.all, 10)
        stack.add(panel, false, true)
        stack.add(text3, true, true, padding.left + padding.right + padding.bottom, 10)
    ' GUI Grid example
    import gui
        window = gui_window("GUI Grid", 480, 300)
        grid = gui_grid(2, 3, window, 10, 10, true)
        text1 = gui_textarea("Row 0, Col 0", window)
        text2 = gui_textarea("Row 0, Col 1", window)
        text3 = gui_textarea("Row 0, Col 2", window)
        text4 = gui_textarea("Row 1, Col 0", window)
        text5 = gui_textarea("Row 1, Col 1", window)
        text6 = gui_textarea("Row 1, Col 2", window)
        grid.add(text1, true)
        grid.add(text2, true)
        grid.add(text3, true)
        grid.add(text4, true)
        grid.add(text5, true)
        grid.add(text6, true)

  3. Added class gui_menubar and gui_menu to module gui
    ' GUI Menu example
    import gui
        window = gui_window("GUI Menu", 450, 300)
        menubar = gui_menubar(window)
        menu_file = gui_menu()
        menu_edit = gui_menu()
        menu_view = gui_menu()
        menu_tools = gui_menu()
        menu_help = gui_menu()
        menu_new = menu_file.append("&New File\tCtrl+N", menu.normal, new())
        menu_open = menu_file.append("&Open...\tCtrl+O", menu.normal, open())
        menu_save = menu_file.append("&Save\tCtrl+S", menu.normal, save())
        menu_saveas = menu_file.append("Save &As...\tCtrl+Shift+S", menu.normal, saveas())
        menu_exit = menu_file.append("", menu.exit, quit())
        menu_about = menu_help.append("About Dinfio", menu.about, about())
        menu_pref = menu_edit.append("", menu.preferences, pref())
        menubar.append(menu_file, "&File")
        menubar.append(menu_edit, "&Edit")
        menubar.append(menu_view, "&View")
        if dinfio.is_mac; menubar.append(gui_menu(), "&Window"); endif
        menubar.append(menu_help, "&Help")
        menu_file.setenable(menu_save, false)

  4. Added class dialog to module gui to show open file, save file, and choose directory dialog
  5. Added class clipboard to module gui
  6. Added function setfullscreen() and isfullscreen() to class gui_window in module gui
  7. Added parameter resizable, minimisable, and closable to gui_window constructor
  8. Added parameter wait to function execute()
  9. Added function register_event_loop() to register user-defined event loop
  10. Fixed issue on Unicode characters that do not appear on all GUI objects
  11. Fixed issue on assignment cache:
    ' Issue on version <= 3.1.04
    for i, 1, 10
        x = i
        writeln(x)   ' x is always be false after the first iteration. It should be 2, 3, 4, 5, ...
        x = false

  12. Module asynchronous is now deprecated, please use module multiprocess instead
  13. Function sleep() and sleep_s() are now moved to module time, which was previously in asynchronous

Dinfio 3.1.04 ⋅ Release date: 2021-04-26

  1. Introduced Dima and Dinfio Modules repository
  2. Dinfio is now available for Raspberry Pi and Docker!
  3. Dinfio 3.1.04 is now with up to 5x faster performance and 20% less memory usage than Dinfio 3.1.03
  4. Added function parameter type ref, class ref, function call(), and function eval() to store function address:
    do_something(write())   ' Address of write() will be stored to parameter f
    function do_something(ref: f)
        call(f, "Hello")
    ' Another example
    f = ref(some_func())   ' Address of some_func() will be stored to variable f
    call(f, 4, 10, 2)
    function some_func(x, y, z)
        writeln(x ^ 2 + y + z)

  5. Added module zip to manage ZIP archives. See the module reference for more information
  6. Added module time. See the module reference for more information
  7. Added function var_exists() to check whether a variable is declared or not
  8. Added function error() to print an error message and exit from the program
  9. Added functions listdirs() and listfiles() in module fileio
  10. Added class gui_imagebox in module gui
  11. Added drawing functions to class gui_panel in module gui
  12. Fixed issue on file::readstring() and file::writebyte() in module fileio
  13. Fixed frozen menubar issue on macOS Catalina and later in module gui

Dinfio 3.1.03 ⋅ Release date: 2021-01-23

  1. Added module url to make HTTP requests. See the module reference for more information
  2. Added module json to encode and decode JSON string. See the module reference for more information
  3. Added Interactive Mode feature (REPL—Read, Eval, Print, Loop). Just type dinfio in your Terminal/Command Prompt:
    $ dinfio
    Welcome to Dinfio Interactive Mode
    Version: 3.1.03 (Linux x86_64)
    Module math, string, and fileio are already imported.
    Type "help" to get help.
    >> 6 + 2 * 4
    >> █

  4. Now you can import other fio files in your program:
    import other
    import helper
    ' Call function from file other.fio
    ' Constant from file other.fio
    ' Call function from file helper.fio

    File other.fio:
    ' All constants and global variables must be declared inside the init function,
    ' because all of codes at the outside of functions and classes will not be executed.
    ' Function name must be <unique_name>::init, you can use <filename>::init
    function other::init()
        global some_data = {
            x: 10,
            y: 20,
            z: 30
    function do_something()
        some_data.x = 40

    File helper.fio:
    function do_again(x)
        writeln(x ^ 2)

  5. Fixed issue on keyword return. The keyword should halt the execution of the rest codes below the keyword, instead of continue the execution.

Dinfio 3.1.02 ⋅ Release date: 2020-12-15

  1. Added constant arguments to get command line arguments. For example (file name: hello.fio):

    Run it:
    $ dinfio hello.fio this is arguments

        [0] = "hello.fio"
        [1] = "this"
        [2] = "is"
        [3] = "arguments"

  2. Added support for # comment as well as hashbang feature. For example (file name: hello.fio):
    #!/usr/bin/env dinfio
    ' This is a comment
    # This is also a comment
    writeln("Hello, world!")

    Run it without dinfio prefix (don't forget to enable execute permission chmod +x hello.fio):
    $ ./hello.fio

    Hello, world!

  3. Added Destructured Assignment feature:
    [a, b, c] = [10, 20, 30]          ' Multiple assignment
    [x, y] = 23                       ' Multiple assignment with one value
    [d, [e, f], g] = [2, [3, 4], 5]   ' Nested assignment
    ' a = 10
    ' b = 20
    ' c = 30
    ' x = 23
    ' y = 23
    ' d = 2
    ' e = 3
    ' f = 4
    ' g = 5

    Another example:
    [name, age, city] = get_profile()
    function get_profile()
        return ["Clara", 22, "Jakarta"]


  4. Added attributes is_linux, is_mac, and is_windows to dinfio constant:
    if dinfio.is_linux
        writeln("This is Linux!")
    elseif dinfio.is_mac
        writeln("This is Mac!")
    elseif dinfio.is_windows
        writeln("This is Windows!")

  5. Function writer() now prints member functions of an object
  6. Fixed issue on function file::readbyte() in module fileio. The returned value should be 0 to 255 (unsigned 1 byte), instead of -127 to 127.

Dinfio 3.1.01 ⋅ Release date: 2020-11-25

  1. Dinfio 3.1.01 is now with 2x faster performance than Dinfio 3.1.0
  2. Added function append() to add new element to the end of an array:
    a = []
    append(a, 10)      ' append(array, value)
    append(a, "Clara")
    append(a, {
        x: 20,
        y: 30

        [0] = 10
        [1] = "Clara"
        [2] = object(
            .x = 20
            .y = 30

  3. Added function array2d() to create new two-dimensional array:
    a = array2d(3, 2)   ' array2d(rows, cols)

        [0] = array(
            [0] = 0
            [1] = 0
        [1] = array(
            [0] = 0
            [1] = 0
        [2] = array(
            [0] = 0
            [1] = 0

  4. Added function gui::refresh() in module gui to repaint GUI objects:
    window = gui_window()

  5. Fixed issue on creating new array [...] and on creating new object {...}.

Dinfio 3.1.0 ⋅ Release date: 2020-11-01

Dinfio is getting big update again! Dinfio 3.1.0 is now with 10x faster performance than Dinfio 3.0.12. And now available for Linux, macOS, and Windows.

Here are other big additions and changes in Dinfio 3.1.0:

  1. Added module asynchronous to enable asynchronous function call:
    import asynchronous
        async(job())   ' Call job() asynchronously
    function job()
        for i, 1, 10000000
            a = i
        writeln("Job finished.")

    Job finished.

    You can use function callback() to set callback to function you called asynchronously:
    import asynchronous, math
        task = async(sin(30))           ' Get value of sin(30) asynchronously 
        task.callback(sin_callback())   ' Set callback
        writeln("Getting value of sin(30) asynchronously...")
    function sin_callback(v)
        writeln("Done! Value of sin(30) is " & v)

    Getting value of sin(30) asynchronously...
    Done! Value of sin(30) is -0.988032

    Use function sleep() to pause the program for the amount of time (in milliseconds):
    import asynchronous
        writeln("Sleep for 1 second")

    Note: module asynchronous is in experimental. Unexpected behaviour may occur to this module.

  2. Added functions platform(), platform_linux(), platform_mac(), and platform_windows() to select value based on your operating system:
    a = platform(10, 20, 30)       ' a = 10 if Linux, 20 if macOS, or 30 if Windows
    b = platform_linux(23, 10)     ' b = 23 if Linux, 10 if not Linux
    c = platform_mac(23, 10)       ' c = 23 if macOS, 10 if not macOS
    d = platform_windows(23, 10)   ' d = 23 if Windows, 10 if not Windows

  3. Added dinfio object that stores all of Dinfio information:

        .version = "3.1.0"
        .version_major = "3"
        .version_minor = "1"
        .version_revision = "0"
        .platform = "Linux x86_64"
        .build_date = "2020-10-17"
        .path = "/usr/local/dinfio/"

  4. Changed the constructor parameters of class gui_window() in module gui:
    gui_window([title], [width], [height])

  5. Added classes: gui_tab and gui_labeled_panel in module gui:
    import gui
        window = gui_window("GUI")
        tab = gui_tab(window, 10, 10, 260, 140)   ' gui_tab(gui: parent, [x], [y], [width], [height])
        panel1 = gui_panel(tab)   ' gui_panel(gui: parent, [x], [y], [width], [height])
        panel2 = gui_panel(tab)
        panel3 = gui_panel(tab)
        tab.addpage("Page 1", panel1, true)   ' gui_tab::addpage(title, gui_panel: panel, is_selected)
        tab.addpage("Page 2", panel2, false)
        tab.addpage("Page 3", panel3, false)
        ' gui_labeled_panel(title, gui: parent, [x], [y], [width], [height])
        panel4 = gui_labeled_panel("Example", panel1, 10, 10, 100, 70)

  6. A new way to add events to GUI objects:
    ' Dinfio 3.1.0
    button.addevent(event.click, do_something())
    ' Dinfio 3.0.12 or earlier
    button.addevent(gui_onclick, "do_something()")

    gui_on event constants are now deprecated, use event object instead. For example: event.change. Here are the event object members:
        .tabchange = 1
        .change = 4
        .doubleclick = 3
        .deactivate = 6
        .activate = 5
        .resize = 7
        .keyup = 18
        .minimise = 8
        .close = 10
        .click = 2
        .mouseenter = 15
        .mouserightdown = 14
        .maximise = 9
        .mouseleftup = 11
        .mouseleave = 16
        .mouserightup = 13
        .mouseleftdown = 12
        .mouseover = 17
        .keydown = 19

  7. gui_messagebox_ constants are now deprecated, use message object instead:
    messagebox("Hello!", "Dinfio", message.info + message.yesno)
    ' You can also use message.show()
    message.show("Hello!", "Dinfio", message.info + message.yesno)

    Here are the message object members:
        .yes = 2
        .nodefault = 128
        .warning = 256
        .no = 8
        .yesno = 10
        .ok = 4
        .yesnocancel = 26
        .question = 1024
        .cancel = 16
        .info = 2048
        .error = 512

  8. Added function getkeycode() and keycode object to grab key code from the events event.keydown and event.keyup:
    window.addevent(event.keydown, action())
    function action()
        key = getkeycode()   ' You can also use keycode.get()
        if key == keycode.space
            writeln("You pressed space key")

    Here are the keycode object members:
        .up = 315
        .return = 13
        .f8 = 347
        .space = 32
        .shift = 306
        .escape = 27
        .f9 = 348
        .alt = 307
        .control = 308
        .left = 314
        .tab = 9
        .right = 316
        .f10 = 349
        .f2 = 341
        .f3 = 342
        .backspace = 8
        .f1 = 340
        .f4 = 343
        .f5 = 344
        .f6 = 345
        .f7 = 346
        .delete = 127
        .down = 317
        .f11 = 350
        .f12 = 351

  9. Added colour object. Functions rgb(), hex(), and tohex() are now deprecated, use colour.rgb(), colour.rgba(), and colour.hex() instead:
    c1 = colour.rgb(255, 128, 128)       ' colour.rgb(red, green, blue)
    c2 = colour.rgba(255, 255, 0, 120)   ' colour.rgba(red, green, blue, alpha)
    c3 = colour.hex("c2c2c2")            ' colour.hex(hex_string)
    c4 = colour.hex("c2c2c240")          ' With alpha

    Here are the colour object members:
        .red = gui_colour(
        .blue = gui_colour(
        .black = gui_colour(
        .green = gui_colour(
        .white = gui_colour(
        .transparent = gui_colour(

  10. gui_alignment_ constants are now deprecated, use align object instead:
    label1 = gui_label("Label", window, 10, 10, 100, 24, align.left)
    label2 = gui_label("Label", window, 10, 40, 100, 24, align.centre)
    label3 = gui_label("Label", window, 10, 80, 100, 24, align.right)

  11. gui_canvas is now deprecated, use gui_panel instead. gui_imagebox is currently not available and will be available in the future release.

Dinfio 3.0.12 ⋅ Release date: 2020-08-16

  1. Added function join() in module string to join array elements with glue string:
    a = [
    writeln(join(a, "... "))

    one... two... three... four... five

  2. Added function keys() to get all the keys of an array:
    colour = []
    colour["white"] = 0xffffff
    colour["red"] = 0xff0000
    colour["green"] = 0x00ff00
    colour["blue"] = 0x0000ff
    colour["black"] = 0x000000
    k = keys(colour)

        [0] = "white"
        [1] = "red"
        [2] = "green"
        [3] = "blue"
        [4] = "black"

  3. Added function levenshtein() and hamming() in module string to calculate Levenshtein distance and Hamming distance between two strings:
    l = levenshtein("kitten", "sitting")
    h = hamming("10100111", "11001000")


Dinfio 3.0.11 ⋅ Release date: 2020-08-15

In this version 3.0.11, a new notation (JSON-style) is introduced to create object:

data = {
    id: "1208854",
    name: "Clara",
    age: 22,
    nationality: "ID",
    hobbies: ["Reading", "Traveling"]


Another example:
data = {
    courses: [
            name: "Algorithms",
            grade: "A",
            score: 95
            name: "Embedded System",
            grade: "A",
            score: 84
    bio: get_bio()
function get_bio()
    return {
        name: "Clara",
        age: 22,
        nationality: "ID",


    .courses = array(
        [0] = object(
            .name = "Algorithms"
            .grade = "A"
            .score = 95
        [1] = object(
            .name = "Embedded System"
            .grade = "A"
            .score = 84
    .bio = object(
        .name = "Clara"
        .age = 22
        .nationality = "ID"

Dinfio 3.0.10 ⋅ Release date: 2020-08-11

Dinfio has been upgraded with a big change in version 3.0! A reference variable and function is now like a primitive variable and function as well. No more @ in front of a reference. It makes your beloved language is now even simpler. Here is the difference:

' Dinfio 3.0
a = array()
window = gui_window("Hello")
var a = array()
var gui_window: window = gui_window("Hello")
' Dinfio 2.0
@a = @array()
@window = @gui_window("Hello")
var @a = @array()
var gui_window @window = @gui_window("Hello")

And in a function declaration:

' Dinfio 3.0
function get_adjacent(vertex: v, max)
' Dinfio 2.0
function @get_adjacent(vertex @v, max)

Besides @ removal, other changes and additions in Dinfio 3.0 are as follows:

  1. Now you can just write class_name() to create an object of your own class:
    ' Dinfio 3.0
    a = user()
    class user
        field name
        ' ...
    ' Dinfio 2.0
    @a = @object("user")
    class user
        field name
        ' ...

  2. File I/O module file is now renamed to fileio
  3. Function object_extend() is now renamed to extend()
  4. Function empty_object() is now deprecated, replaced by object()
  5. A new notation is introduced to create a new filled array, alternatively to array_fill():
    ' Dinfio 3.0
    a = [10, 2, 8]
    b = [10, [14, 23, 22], 100]
    c = ["Dinfio", "Programming", "Language"]
    ' Dinfio 2.0
    @a = @array_fill(10, 2, 8)
    @b = @array_fill(10, @array_fill(14, 23, 22), 100)
    @c = @array_fill("Dinfio", "Programming", "Language")

  6. Added Regular Expression module regex
  7. Added function writer() to dump any variable, including primitive, array, and object:
    a = regex_search("(.*) are (.*?) .*", "Cats are smarter than dogs\nParrots are prettier than dogs")

        [0] = regex_result(
            .value = "Cats are smarter than dogs"
            .position = 0
            .group = array(
                [0] = "Cats"
                [1] = "smarter"
        [1] = regex_result(
            .value = "Parrots are prettier than dogs"
            .position = 28
            .group = array(
                [0] = "Parrots"
                [1] = "prettier"